Activate Healthy Relationships NOW!

Healthy relationships don't just happen, they are something that everybody has to work toward, but they absolutely are obtainable. For some of us, in hindsight we see how much smoother our journey towards healthy relationships could have been if only we had a manual and mentors to help guide us along the way. Well, the next generation does not have to blindly navigate their relationship journey. ASPIRE is here to educate, equip and empower individuals with the information, tools, and resources to have positive, healthy relationships.
Write your awesome label here.

Great news, healthy relationships were never cancelled!

Whether in isolation or not, healthy relationships starts with ourselves and spreads abroad. Our approach to relationship education is focused on risk avoidance for the purpose of pursuing optimal health.


Our programs and events educate youth, young adults, and their support system on how to avoid risks, make positive choices and cultivate healthy relationships.


We equip individuals with the tools and skills necessary to begin and continue pursing optimal health through our courses, weekly blogs, library of resources and daily news.


No matter where you are on your journey towards healthy relationships, our mission is to inspire hope, support healthy lives, create a culture of respect, and empower you to purpose to become the person you ASPIRE to be!


Greater Lansing Youth served since 1995 through our programs


different schools, clubs and groups reached in 2020


chance of living above poverty as adults and more likely to be in long-term healthy relationships.

Activate healthy relationships NOW

Educating, Equipping, and Empowering you to make positive choices and have healthy relationships through virtual collaborations.

Access Courses

We collaborate with schools, clubs, and small groups to provide private courses, hosted right here on Ready Set ASPIRE.  Sign up for access to public courses and mini courses open to the public and designed to help youth and families increase knowledge and develop skills to activate healthier relationships now!

Browse Resource Libraries

The ASPIRE Team curates a library of local and national resources, interesting articles, and helpful information to empower youth, parents/guardians, and community members have easy access to the tools, information, and connections and they need.

Discuss With Others

Each private and public course has a discussion board, allowing course users to ask questions and discuss the material in an open forum.

Read Daily News

Enjoy articles and posts from a host of sites.  The articles may include topics covering healthy relationships, mental health, physical health, internet safety, sexual health, drug use prevention, and entertainment.

Attend Live Virtual Events

Sign up for our e-news to get notifications of upcoming events for youth, parents, and community members.  Event attendees have exclusive access to live events, powered by Zoom and hosted on Ready Set ASPIRE.

Use Your Voice

Ready Set ASPIRE members can use their voice and share their stories by submitting articles, questions, and suggestions to the ASPIRE team at

Our courses

Join the community

Stay current. Subscribe to our newsletter.

Thank you!

Our students have
a few nice things to say about us

"They have taught me to be safer, to stay out of bad situations and that if you don't like something you can start over."
"I used to think that pretty much everyone who was 16 had sex, I was proven wrong. Also, y’all are awesome. You made this unit a little more enjoyable and slightly less awkward."
"They've affected me in a positive way. I'll be more cautious from now on when it comes to relationships and sexual activity, considering some of the information I've learned."

Frequently asked questions

How does Ready, Set, ASPIRE work?

Once you sign up for Ready, Set, ASPIRE, you are able to register for courses, participate in exclusive live events, and browse the catalog of daily news articles and best resources.  Your favorite pages will be either the Home or Profile pages.  You can see how much time you’ve spent in a course, what new things have been added to the platform, messages, and/or blog posts.  As we add more content or offer new features, you will be the first to know as a registered user.  If you are a part of a private group, such as a club or school, your private assignments/activities will show up in your profile as well.  Our community forums are exclusive to each course a user is registered for.

 It seems like there are lots of virtual communities and platforms out there.  How does Ready, Set, ASPIRE stand out?

We provide engaging courses for all users by offering live sessions, pre-recorded content, etc.  Ready, Set, ASPIRE was birthed out of a need to continue the conversation without the barrier of being in person during a pandemic.  However, as we began creating this platform for our community to use, we saw the vast opportunity to connect with others, provide a safe space to learn about topics that can often be sensitive, and the ability to provide resources in a way we wouldn’t normally during in-person presentations. Youth and young adults search for information regarding relationships online all the time, so we created this platform for them to learn and grow without feeling that they have to aimlessly wander the internet.  Although an amazing resource, the internet can sometimes leave us vulnerable to misleading content when searching for relationship information and resources.  Our platform pulls together credible resources, provides courses, gives an outlet for people to use their voice, and know that those on the other end, running the platform, want the absolute best for them.  Ready, Set, ASPIRE is from us (The ASPIRE Team) but powered by our users.

What if I do not sign up for a course, yet?  Can I still sign up?

Absolutely!  This platform is designed to be a great place for everyone, even if you have not quite yet decided to sign up for a course.  You will get the most value as a registered course user, however, you are welcome to join the community for all the other great things Ready, Set, ASPIRE has to offer!  This platform caters to teens and young adults, from ages 12-24, and their support persons i.e. parents/guardians, youth group leaders, teachers/tutors, and mentors.  However, this platform is valuable to anybody that is interested in learning more about healthy relationships with others and themselves.

How do I join the community?  What ways can I contribute?

You register by clicking the Start Now button at the top of this screen.  As a user you get to browse everything within the platform, including new articles on the Daily News (added almost daily) and Best Resources to connect with mentors and services.  If you would like to contribute to the platform, please contact us with your ideas for featured blog posts, or links to resources you would like to share with the Ready, Set, ASPIRE community.  Follow us on Instagram to learn more about how you can participate.  Your voice, perspective, and experiences matter - we want to hear from you!

How long do I have access to the courses I register for?

Each course has it’s own access perimeters, which will be expressed at the point of registration.  Most courses, when paid, will provide you with unlimited access.  We reserve the right to remove and/or edit a course at any point and also reserve the right to remove a user for violating our community guidelines.

If I have a question, how do I get in contact with The ASPIRE Team?

We can be contacted by clicking on the Contact button at the top of this page, or sending a message to an admin.  Our contact phone number is (517)664-9544 or send an email to

I'm here with my school, how do I find my course?

If you are here for a private course for a school, or club, please check your login credentials from your instructor, and be sure to have the correct coupon code to register for your course (coupon codes are limited per the number of expected students, so please do not share your code).  If you still cannot find your course, contact the Admin for Ready, Set, ASPIRE, or ask your teacher/leader for help.
Don't hesitate

Sign up to get plugged in to virtual relationship education now!

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