Ready Set ASPIRE: Resources (2/19/2021)


Resources: 2/19/2021

If you follow us on social media you may have noticed a trend in our posts this week.  

This week’s themes were:

1) Comparing the characteristics of healthy dating relationships with those of unhealthy relationships.

2) Looking at factors to be considered in preparing for dating and marriage.

Here are some articles and resources we found so helpful we had to share!

    The Science of The Story

How stories from others make us feel.

   Why Inspiring Stories Make Us React

The Neuroscience of Narrative

    What is Dating?

Did you know that you can have instant access to the links and information we share by signing up for our online academy? 

First, signup/login.

Then from your profile or home page, click Best Resources to find what you are looking for. 

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